Traditional Devon Cider - Produced in the heart of the West Country

'Try' January

By now you've no doubt heard about the so called Dry January but here's a thought, what about Try January? Here at Sam's Cider we promote responsible drinking as we make our cider from the finest Devon apples to be enjoyed, everything in moderation as they say. 

So rather than stopping all alcoholic drinks this month how about trying something you've not had before. Sam's fruit ciders are a perfect example. A lower alcohol content than some of the others in our range and a refreshing change. One of the great things about our Fruity Raspberry and Fruity Blackcurrant is the taste of fruit! Compared to other fruit ciders on the market which can be very sweet, with ours you can taste the fruit not sugar. Here's a link to our Fruity Blackcurrant on our website but you can also buy it at many shops across Devon and also from some local pubs.  

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